Olivia had another big week of firsts last week. She finally rolled over from her back to her belly. We found this out every morning when we went in to get her and found her on her belly. Along with this came diaper leakage. For several mornings in a row, we discovered that her diaper had leaked in the front because she was sleeping on her belly. David put some feelers out on Facebook to see what others suggested we try to fix this problem. The consensus was to go up a size on diapers for overnight; we did this (size 3 is HUGE on her tiny little hiney) and it seems to have worked.
Last week was also the introduction of rice cereal. She gets 2 to 3 teaspoons at her second and second-last feedings of the day. Livvie LOVES cereal! She gets so excited when she sees us mixing her bowl and is very vocal. She's doing quite a bit of tongue-thrusting at the moment, but everything is eventually making it to her belly, and I expect this to diminish as she gets used to eating her food rather than just drinking it.
I work four 10-hour days for my job, so my normal weekday off is Tuesday. David took a personal day off work today, so we took Olivia to the Aquarium for the first time. She was absolutely mesmerized by the fish and sharks. She loved going through the tunnels and watching the fish swim over her head. David and I decided to get a Zoo membership for this year. We cannot wait for the weather to get warmer so that we can see how Olivia likes it.
Back to school talk
5 years ago