Every once in a while, I will go back to the very first post and reread our journey. I haven't forgotten a single step in the process, but sometimes it's nice to go back and remember just how we felt each step of the way. I went back this morning and realized that it has been 3 years since we actively started pursuing our family dream. Today, we have a healthy, happy, beautiful 15 month old girl that has completely captured our love and attention.
I have been thinking a lot recently about our frozen embryos in storage. They will have been frozen for 3 years this coming August. The last I heard from our fertility specialists, frozen embryos are viable for 5 years. I realize that they are not even halfway to that point yet, but sometimes I find myself worrying that time will get away from us and we'll not get to those embryos before they have to be destroyed. David and I decided from the outset of our IVF journey that no one would be left behind. We chose to freeze the two remaining embryos and have every intention of going back for a frozen transfer cycle before they expire.
We have been discussing recently about when would be a good time to start working on baby #2. I keep going back and thinking about those embryos. I feel as though we need to give them a chance first, then explore other options if we need to. Maybe we'll go back for the transfer some time this summer. If the transfer is successful, our children will be almost 3 years apart (a nice space, I think). If it's not successful, then maybe we'll get a repeat of our first miracle. Only time will tell.
Back to school talk
5 years ago